Orange Bricks

Business Strategy

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Real Time Strategy for the Enterprise is an innovative process for continuous strategizing in an unpredictable world that can take your organisation from having a strategy plan to really living a strategy.

Teams and organisations need to make aligned decisions and keep up with an ever-changing world.

Traditional strategy plans are unable to do the job fully. Thus, a living, real time strategy process is required to remain well positioned in business.

The workshop is ‘play with a purpose’ and it can help you construct a shared identity for your enterprise, continuously heed your changing landscape and develop a simple set of guiding principles for continuous strategizing.

As part of the Real Time Strategy for your Enterprise workshop, we will be playing ‘what if’ scenarios which will help you tease out unforeseen relations, test decisions and assumptions.


+27 83 790 7701


Ruimsig, Gauteng

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